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#7 The Love Of A Dog

The Love Of A Dog

Date: 02-03-2010 12:57pm
Location: Church (Rock) Cemetery, Nottingham
Camera: Nikon D300s
ISO: 200
Apt: f5
Exp: 1/125sec
Lens: Nikon 80mm – 400mm @ 262mm

I think this is one of the most moving and saddest photographs I’ve ever taken. I went for a walk around the Church (Rock) Cemetery on this day because it was one of those places I had seen all my life as I went into and out of Nottingham City Centre and I was curious as to what was in there. It’s an amazing tranquil and strange place with a mix of abandoned graves and tombs as well as graves that are still looked after by family and friends. I strongly recommend finding a little bit of time one day and having a walk around yourselves.

As I was walking around I came across what seemed to be a long forgotten grave covered in ivy and weeds and in among the weeds was this little porcelain sleeping dog. It was as old and faded as the grave and just tugged at my heart. before I took the photograph I stood for ages just looking and thinking to myself of all the little dogs that had been in my life. Maybe the person in the grave owned a dog when he or she was alive and if so they would have experienced one of the most special things in life, the unconditional love of a dog.